Sunday, July 6, 2008

Unannounced! But Welcome!

It HAS happened to me before. Long long time ago.

But I had completely forgotten about it. Forgotten how it felt. How in a moment, the most mundane turned into a revelation. How the most pointless and unreasonable seemed the most meaningful, the most significant. Forgotten the Beauty, the Joy, the Innocence, the Calm, the Childlike Exhilaration, the Freedom and the Divine… behind it.

I was again reminded today. After ages. And in that one moment, I realized that even without me knowing, I had missed it so.

Has it ever happened to You?
Have You ever paused in the middle of the most humdrum activity of the day, because you have just realized that you’re Smiling… for no particular reason?


1 comment:

KG said...

Never happened to me. I am rarely trying to closely administer every part of my day. If I were smiling through a mundane activity, it wouldn't occur to me.